Vitamins & Minerals


What is sodium? 

Sodium, a vital mineral, is essential for maintaining optimal health when consumed in appropriate amounts. As one of the key electrolytes in the body, sodium plays a fundamental role in regulating the balance of body fluids. It helps control the distribution and movement of fluids within and outside of cells, ensuring proper hydration and supporting various physiological processes.

Sodium is crucial for maintaining proper nerve and muscle function, as well as facilitating nutrient absorption and maintaining pH balance. However, it is important to note that excessive sodium intake can have adverse health effects, so it is crucial to consume sodium in moderation and in line with recommended guidelines.

A 2014 study revealed a significant association between moderate sodium intake, estimated at 3 to 6 grams per day, and a reduced risk of cardiovascular events and mortality.

The findings underscore the importance of maintaining an appropriate sodium balance in the diet to support heart health and overall well-being. It is crucial to strike a balance in sodium consumption, as both excessive and inadequate intake can have detrimental effects on health.

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How much does the body need per day?


1 to 3 years:

1000 mg 

1000 mg 

4 to 8 years:

1200 mg 

1200 mg 

9 to 13 years:

1500 mg 

1500 mg 

14 to 50 years old:

1500 mg 

1500 mg 

19 to 50 years:

1300 mg 

1300 mg 

51 years and over:

1200 mg 

1200 mg