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Anal fissures are common tears in the anus lining, causing pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Treatment aims to reduce anal canal pressure and alleviate discomfort. Causes include hard stools, constipation, and certain conditions.

Prevention involves a high-fibre diet, hydration, avoiding straining, and exercise. Good anal hygiene and gentle toilet paper aid healing and prevent irritation. Seek medical help if symptoms persist or worsen.


Anal tear, also known as an anal fissure, refers to a common condition characterised by a split or tear in the lining of the anus. These fissures can cause significant pain and bleeding during bowel movements, leading to discomfort and distress. While anal fissures can occur in individuals of any age, they are particularly common in newborn babies.

In some cases, the tear may extend deep enough to reach the muscle tissue. Alongside anal fissures, another related condition is an anal ulcer, which involves the formation of open sores in the anal area.

Prompt recognition, proper diagnosis, and appropriate treatment can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing for individuals affected by anal fissures or ulcers.

These symptoms collectively indicate the presence of an anal fissure.


  • Small bulge of skin next to the anus: An anal fissure can sometimes result in the formation of a small skin tag or lump near the anal opening. This bulge can be a result of the healing process or a response to the tear in the anal lining. It may be tender or uncomfortable.


  • Itching and burning in the anal area: Anal fissures often cause itching and burning sensations in the anal region. The irritation and inflammation of the torn tissue can lead to these uncomfortable sensations, making it uncomfortable for individuals affected.


  • Visible tear in the surrounding skin: A prominent symptom of anal fissures is a visible tear or split in the skin surrounding the anus. This tear may appear as a small, linear cut or crack in the anal lining. It can be easily observed when examining the area.


  • Pain when defecating: Pain during bowel movements is a hallmark symptom of anal fissures. The act of passing stool, particularly if it is hard or large, can put pressure on the fissure, causing sharp pain or discomfort. This pain can range from mild to severe and is often described as a tearing or burning sensation.


  • Streaks of blood on toilet paper or stool: One of the most common signs of anal fissures is the presence of streaks of bright red blood on toilet paper or in the stool. The tear in the anal lining can bleed during or after bowel movements, leading to these visible blood streaks.


  • Pain after a bowel movement that can last a few hours: After a bowel movement, individuals with anal fissures may continue to experience pain and discomfort. This post-defecation pain can persist for a few hours, making it uncomfortable for the affected person to sit or move around comfortably.

Anal tears, also known as anal fissures, can be categorised based on their severity and duration. Here are the different types of anal tears:


  • Acute Anal Fissure: An acute anal fissure is a small tear or crack in the lining of the anal canal. It typically develops suddenly and causes pain and discomfort, especially during bowel movements. Acute fissures usually heal on their own within a few weeks with proper self-care and lifestyle changes. 


  • Chronic Anal Fissure: If an acute anal fissure does not heal within 4-6 weeks or becomes a recurring problem, it may be classified as chronic. Chronic fissures can be more challenging to treat and may require additional interventions.


  • Posterior Midline Fissure: This type of anal fissure is located in the posterior (back) midline of the anal canal. It is the most common location for anal fissures.


  • Anterior Fissure: An anterior fissure is located in the anterior (front) midline of the anal canal. It is less common than the posterior midline fissure.


  • Lateral Fissure: A lateral fissure occurs on one side of the anal canal instead of the midline. Lateral fissures can be more difficult to diagnose and may require a thorough examination.


  • Complex or Recurrent Fissure: Some fissures may become more complex or recur despite initial treatment. These cases may require further evaluation and management by a healthcare professional.

Understanding the potential causes of anal fissures can help individuals take preventive measures and seek appropriate medical care if they experience symptoms or risk factors related to these causes.


  • Passing large or very hard stools: One of the most common causes of anal fissures is the passage of large or hard stools. When stool is hard and difficult to pass, it can stretch and tear the delicate lining of the anus during bowel movements, leading to the development of fissures.


  • Chronic constipation: Chronic constipation, a condition characterised by infrequent and difficult bowel movements, can contribute to the development of anal fissures. Straining during bowel movements due to constipation can increase pressure on the anal canal, potentially causing tears in the anal lining.


  • Frequent diarrhoea: While constipation can cause fissures, frequent diarrhoea can also be a contributing factor. Diarrhoea leads to increased bowel movements and irritation of the anal area, which can result in the development or worsening of anal fissures.


  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, which are types of inflammatory bowel disease, can lead to chronic inflammation and ulceration of the digestive tract, including the anus and rectum. This inflammation can increase the risk of developing anal fissures.


  • Strain during natural childbirth: The process of giving birth naturally can put significant pressure on the pelvic and anal areas. In some cases, this strain can lead to the development of anal fissures, especially if there are complications during childbirth.


  • Decreased blood flow in the anorectal area: Conditions that reduce blood flow to the anal region, such as vascular diseases or haemorrhoids, can increase the susceptibility to anal fissures. Reduced blood flow can impair the healing process and make the anal tissue more vulnerable to tears.


  • Insertion of foreign objects in the anus: Inserting foreign objects into the anus, whether for sexual purposes or otherwise, can cause trauma to the anal lining, leading to fissures. It's essential to exercise caution and use proper techniques and lubrication to avoid injury.


  • Anal sex: Engaging in anal sex without proper lubrication or excessive force can cause trauma to the anal tissues and increase the risk of developing anal fissures.


  • HIV: HIV infection itself is not a direct cause of anal fissures. However, individuals with HIV may have weakened immune systems, which can make them more susceptible to infections, including those in the anal area. Infections in the anus can lead to complications, including fissures.


  • Anal cancer: Anal cancer is a relatively rare condition, but it can cause symptoms such as anal fissures or ulcers. While anal cancer itself is not a common cause of fissures, it is essential to promptly investigate any unusual symptoms in the anal area, as early detection is crucial for successful treatment.

Medical treatments like stool softeners, topical pain relievers, and lidocaine-containing ointments can be effective in managing the symptoms of anal fissures and promoting the healing process.


  • Stool softeners: Stool softeners are medications that help soften and bulk up the stool. They work by drawing water into the stool, making it easier to pass. By preventing hard or bulky stools, stool softeners reduce the strain and pressure on the anal fissure during bowel movements. These medications can be especially helpful in cases where dietary changes alone are insufficient to alleviate constipation and pain.


  • Topical pain relievers: Topical pain relievers are applied directly to the anal area to provide local pain relief. These products typically contain ingredients like lidocaine or benzocaine, which numb the area and reduce discomfort. They can provide immediate relief from the pain and burning sensation associated with anal fissures, making bowel movements more manageable during the healing process.


  • Ointments such as lidocaine hydrochloride: Ointments containing lidocaine hydrochloride are a type of topical aesthetic. When applied to the anal fissure, they temporarily numb the area, helping to alleviate pain and discomfort. These ointments can be particularly useful for acute anal fissures and may be recommended by healthcare professionals as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

These natural treatments and recommendations aim to alleviate symptoms, reduce the risk of anal fissure development or recurrence, and support the healing process.


  • Fibre-based diet: A high-fibre diet is essential for softening stools and preventing constipation. Fibre adds bulk to your stool, making it easier to pass, which reduces the strain on the anal area during bowel movements. Foods rich in fibre include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.


  • Drink plenty of water: Adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining soft and easy-to-pass stools. When you're well-hydrated, your body can better process fibre and prevent stool from becoming too hard, reducing the likelihood of further irritation or tearing of the anal lining.


  • Natural laxatives: Natural laxatives, such as prunes or prune juice, can be beneficial in promoting regular bowel movements. They can help soften stool and prevent the need for straining during bowel movements, which can exacerbate anal fissures.


  • In the case of babies, change diapers often to keep the tear area clean: For new-borns and infants with anal fissures, frequent diaper changes are essential to maintain cleanliness and prevent infection. Irritation from moisture and faeces can worsen the condition, so keeping the area clean and dry is crucial.


  • Avoid rough and scented toilet paper: Rough or scented toilet paper can further irritate the sensitive anal area. Opt for soft, unscented toilet paper to minimise friction and discomfort when wiping after bowel movements.


  • Sitz baths: A sitz bath involves sitting in warm water for a short period, typically 10-15 minutes. This can help soothe the anal area, reduce pain, and promote healing. Sitz baths are particularly effective for relieving discomfort associated with anal fissures.


  • Regular exercise: Regular physical activity helps maintain overall bowel health. Exercise promotes efficient digestion and can prevent constipation, reducing the risk of developing or aggravating anal fissures. Additionally, exercise supports general well-being, which can aid in the healing process.

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