Your body is a fascinating complex organism which has the ability to reward/reverse/combat adverse effects of daily lifestyles.
Your physical and mental presence will be introduced to plenty of challenges such as diseases or toxins. However, allowing proper care and nourishment will eradicate the bad and leave your body in optimum health.
The health of your body is dependent on:
In a world where our time and physicality are in such high demand, the intake of essential vitamins and minerals with good overall nutrition can balance our state of mind and boost your body’s health.
Eating well and regularly, keeping active and taking the time to check in with yourselves is the key to good health. Your body is special and magnificent, so it deserves nothing but the best treatment from you so we must find time to stop and take care of our mental wellbeing to allow our immunity to soar.
Indulge us to help you gain greater knowledge, as you dive into a deeper understanding of how a combination of all these elements affect Your Health.
The immune system operates all over the body and is the first line of defence against disease. White blood cells break down and remember pathogens, thereby building the body’s library of antibodies and immunity. We can boost our immune system by eating healthily, exercising, and looking after our bodies.
It’s no secret that pathogens and diseases are everywhere and our immune system is the front line of defence against the damage that these things can wreak on our bodies. Made up of a network of cells, tissues and biological processes whose sole purpose is to keep an eye out for harmful invaders and launch an attack where necessary, it’s safe to say that none of us would last very long without an immune system.
Unlike other systems within the body, the immune system isn’t isolated to one area. It operates all over the body and involves the co-operation of multiple cells, proteins and organs working together. It has the amazing ability to distinguish foreign tissue from its own and get rid of dead or faulty cells, ensuring the body stays as healthy as it possibly can.
White blood cells are big players in the immune system. Also known as leukocytes, white blood cells spend their time searching for pathogens. When they find one, they multiply and let other cells know what’s happening so that they can do the same. There are two main types of white blood cell -phagocytes and lymphocytes. Phagocytes break down pathogens while lymphocytes have the power to remember them if they return. They’re incredibly smart!
So, how does it all work? Well, an immune response is triggered by an antigen, which is any toxin, foreign body or dead or faulty cell. Once an antigen is detected, B lymphocytes produce proteins called antibodies, which attach themselves to antigens and identify it for the phagocytes, which will then go in and destroy it.
As we get older, our immune system is exposed to more pathogens, which are remembered and therefore immunity grows. This is why children tend to get ill more often than adults. There are three types of immunity -innate, adaptive, and passive. They are:
Innate immunity. This refers to the basic level of immunity that we are all born with. It involves the skin and membranes in the throat and gut, which are the first barriers that pathogens meet. The immune system’s response in this case is very general and adaptive immunity comes into play if the pathogen gets through the innate system.
Adaptive immunity. This is essentially the library of antibodies that your body develops over the course of your life. This creates a thorough, comprehensive army that fights off anything that might cause your body harm.
Passive immunity. This is a temporary form of immunity that involves antibodies from another source. This is the kind of immunity that the placenta and breast milk provide for unborn and very young babies.
Of course, the immune system is fundamental to our overall health, so it’s essential that we look after it to the best of our ability. We know that lifestyle plays a part in how effectively our immune system works. Therefore, you can do wonders for your immunity by:
Eating healthily.
Exercising regularly.
Maintaining good personal hygiene.
Getting enough sleep.
We only have one body and our immune system could really use our help in protecting it from harm. Let’s lend it a hand. Summary: The immune system operates all over the body and is the first line of defence against disease. White blood cells break down and remember pathogens, thereby building the body’s library of antibodies and immunity. We can boost our immune system by eating healthily, exercising, and looking after our bodies.
A person’s health is the sum of multiple factors including genetics, environment and income. Good health relies on nourishing the body with all the nutrients that it needs. Eating regularly, staying active and hydrated while sleeping enough and taking time for self-care are all essential to optimum health.
The word ‘health’ used to be defined as simply a complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. Over the years, it has come to also include the body’s ability to adapt to new diseases. A person’s health is thought to be the result of several factors, some genetic and some environmental.
We know that contributing factors to a person’s health include where they live, their income, employment status, education and the quality of their surrounding environment.
There is also evidence that good health and wellbeing is more common in certain cultures, due to healthy cuisines, customs and lifestyles.
To maintain optimum good health, it’s essential that the body gets all the nutrients that it requires to function properly. From creating energy, healing wounds and boosting the immune system, vitamins and minerals are mandatory for good physical and mental health.
There are a range of things that we can do to improve our health. These include:
Eating healthy foods regularly. Eating regularly helps to release energy slower and therefore keeps blood sugar levels steady.
Maintaining good health and wellbeing is vital to making sure our body is in the best possible position to successfully fight off illnesses and to prolong our lives. Ensuring that your body gets all the nutrients it needs is just the first step. It’s time to start investing in your health and wellbeing to ensure a better, stronger you.
Nutrition is the study of nutrients and how our body uses them. It encompasses the physiological and biological processes that make nutrients work and how to get a good balance of every nutrient. It also touches on why we eat the food that we eat and the effects that can have on the body and general health.
Nutrients are separated into macronutrients and micronutrients. The body requires greater amounts of macronutrients to function properly but the right number of micronutrients is vital to overall health. The seven nutrients that are essential to our health are carbohydrates, protein, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals and water. The amount of each one that a person needs depends on factors such as age, activity levels, various health conditions and medications.
Macronutrients include carbohydrates, protein and fats. These three types of nutrients are the only ones that can provide the body with energy. The body calls upon carbohydrates for quick bursts of energy. Brown wild rice, spelt-based foods and chia seeds are good sources of complex carbohydrates. While they are full of health benefits, complex carbohydrates are harder for your body to digest and this helps you feel fuller for longer. Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that can be obtained from fruit and vegetables. It can’t be used for energy, but fibre is essential for keeping food moving through the digestive system. Eating a diet full of complex carbohydrates and fibre will ensure that the body has the energy it needs and that food is digested healthily.
Protein is responsible for repairing the body and allowing it to grow properly. If the body is lacking carbohydrates, it can use protein for energy but as protein has other jobs to do, it’s never a good idea to cut out carbohydrates. Protein comes from meat, chickpeas, lentils and beans, which the body breaks down into amino acids, which are converted into hundreds of different body proteins.
Fats are also known as lipids and they are vital for providing the body with sustainable energy. Fats are categorised by saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature while unsaturated fats are liquids. Nutritionists agree that saturated fats aren’t as nutritious as unsaturated, so it’s a good idea to get the most of your fat intake from liquid fats.
Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals, which are involved in the development and maintenance of hundreds of functions that keep the body healthy. Vitamins and minerals can’t be produced by the body, so it’s important that we get them from the food that we eat. They are also considered to be essential nutrients, meaning the body relies on them for healthy tissues, muscles, organs and systems.
Water is a category of nutrient on its own. It makes up about 60% of the human body weight but is very easily lost through sweating and urinating. Water is vital for human survival as well as general good health, so it needs to be regularly replaced. It’s useful to know that mineral and spring water has a neutral pH level of 7, while tap water in the UK can have a pH level of up to 9.5, which is moderately alkaline.
It’s important to have a basic understanding of nutrition, in order to know what your body needs for healthy functioning. Eating a varied diet that includes a good balance of all nutrients is the best and easiest way of achieving good nutrition. Summary: Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food and how the body uses them. Good health relies on eating a varied and balanced diet with all macronutrients and micronutrients represented sufficiently. Water is also very important for survival and hydration is key to healthy body function.
Also known as micronutrients, vitamins and minerals are essential to healthy body function, as they play a crucial role in various bodily processes. The body can’t produce either vitamins or minerals, so it’s very important that we get them from food with the except for Vitamin D, which we get from sunlight.
Vitamins are organic substances, so they’re made by plants or animals. They are usually categorised as either water-soluble or fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin C and the full range of B Vitamins can’t be stored by the body whereas fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin E can be stored in the liver and fat tissues.
Vitamins are responsible for a huge range of functions in the body such as ridding it of toxins, releasing energy and taking care of the immune system. To make sure the body is running at optimum condition, it’s highly important to include all of them in your diet.
Vitamin A: Key to ensuring healthy immune system function, eye and skin health.
Vitamin B1: Also known as thiamine. For releasing energy from food and to ensure normal heart and nervous system function.
Vitamin B2: Also known as riboflavin. For releasing energy from food, healthy skin and nervous system function and limiting tiredness.
Vitamin B3: Also known as niacin. For releasing energy from food, healthy skin and nervous system function and limiting tiredness.
Vitamin B6: For producing red blood cells, regulating hormones and reducing tiredness.
Vitamin B12: For producing red blood cells, reducing tiredness and healthy nervous system function.
Vitamin C: For healthy skin, bones, teeth, immune system and nervous system.
Vitamin D: For healthy bones, muscles and immune system.
Vitamin E: For cell protection.
Vitamin K: For healthy blood clotting and bones.
There are very few superfoods, which contain all essential vitamins and minerals. So, ensuring that your body’s health relies on a varied diet. There are a few cases where increased levels are recommended. These include:
While most vitamins and minerals are safe to use alongside other medications, always check the label or with your doctor if you’re unsure.
Vitamins and minerals are vital to normal body function. Vitamins are either water-soluble or fat-soluble while some minerals are needed in higher volumes than others. A varied, balanced diet is the best way of ensuring the body get enough of all vitamins and minerals.
Minerals are inorganic, meaning that they come from soil and water before being absorbed by plants and animals. Calcium and iron are vital to the health of bones, teeth and nervous system. Both calcium and iron are needed in slightly higher amounts than other minerals. Algae and seaweed are also very rich in essential minerals and are a great way of ensuring your body gets all the micronutrients it needs.
Calcium: For bone and teeth health. Can be found in dairy products, leafy greens and bread.
Iron: For red blood cell production, healthy immune system and good brain function. Can be found in red meat, beans, wholemeal bread and nuts and seeds.
Magnesium: For releasing energy from food, strong bones and muscle and nerve health. Can be found in fish, wholegrains and nuts and seeds.
Potassium: For regulating water content and blood pressure. Can be found in meat, fish, bananas, avocados and wholegrains.
Zinc: For normal mental function, hair, skin and nail health, fertility and wound healing. Can be found in sea moss, meat, fish, wholegrains and nuts and seeds
There are very few superfoods, which contain all essential vitamins and minerals. So, ensuring that your body’s health relies on a varied diet. There are a few cases where increased levels are recommended. These include:
Folic acid for pregnant women or those trying to conceive from preconception until the 12th week of pregnancy.
Vitamin D for everyone over 5 years old during autumn and winter months and all year round for anyone with darker skin tones or those who can’t get outside regularly.
Vitamins A, C and D for children aged 6 months to 5 years old.
While most vitamins and minerals are safe to use alongside other medications, always check the label or with your doctor if you’re unsure.